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Highly Recommended Security Tools


Welcome to RuSecure Now Resources section, a compiled list for business owners who are in need of reliable tools to combat crime.  

As a result, I have put together a recommended resources and Crime Prevention Tools that I personally have used over the years or highly recommend.

The security tools will be added to as I come across more and think it will be beneficial to the small business owners of this community.

Before we dive into the list I know and trust, an important disclosure:

Some of the recommend tools listed are affiliate links, which means if you choose to make a purchase, I would earn a commission.  The commission is no cost to you. Please understand that I currently use these products or recommend them because they are useful and helpful, not because of the small commission that I may receive if you decide to buy something.  Please do not spend money on these products unless you think you need them or it will improve the security processes of your company. 

The Deluxe Company has been around for 100 years serving small business and is a reliable company. 

The High Security Checks offered by their company are the most secure checks available.  These checks are trusted by 7,000 financial institutions nationwide.

Some checks can be altered and washed.  This can be a weak point in your security if you have a standard type of check.

Deluxe has high tech security features that has anti-copy technology, safety hollow-gram, built in check security, visible security features and more.

These are features which would greatly benefit any company who would like to be proactive in preventing check fraud.

Try DELUXE    


If you have an existing business or have written personal checks to stores , then you may be familiar with Certegy.  Certegy is an FIS Company which provides verification for merchants worldwide. 

Certegy has a guarantee for merchants that if they approve checks written at your business, they will refund the merchant if the check is found to be fraudulent.

Without this type of service, many business owners would have a huge negative impact on their bottom line. 

Although checks written to merchants are on a decline, there are still a great number of people who write checks. 

Certegy Check verification system is a very effective solution if you are considering accepting checks as a merchant or if currently you do not have any check verification system in place. 

I am in no way affiliated with Certegy.  However, as a current corporate security manager, I do see first hand of how effective their system is and how they help merchants avoid check fraud which could cripple most small businesses.